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Friday, July 12, 2013

It seems I have strayed away from my art which is really my first and deeply felt artistic love. I have so many irons in the fire and things I want to paint / create / do, that I seem not to accomplish any of them. I guess that is what happens when the years creep up on you. My energy is so short lived that even making up my mind seems to be a difficult task these days. Perhaps it is time to admit to myself that I can no longer do all I would like to do. Time to give up some of these supplies that I have not been able to part with yet sit untouched for years at a time. I have been giving a lot of consideration lately to having a big blowout sale at my smartsyjewelry@etsy shop and calling it quits. Then I can devote more time to my art. It has been sadly neglected these last few years. Like I said though, at this point even making up my mind what to do is a chore. Insert sad grin. I do want to give a call out to my daughters shop. My grand daughter is making some very cool jewelry with polymer clay! If anyone likes critter jewelry you might want to check it out.